Design resources for Google Sites

Free tools and resources on the web to help with your Google Sites templates and projects

Design resources for your Google Sites project

There are literally zillions of excellent quality resources on the Internet to help you learn, improve and enhance the design of your Google Sites website. Here's the ones I use. I'll keep updating this so check back every now and then for other pointers and snippets.

Stock Photography

Websites need quality images, end of story. Using your own photographs and images is by far the best way to build trust in your audience, but if you don't have these or need something to fill the gap to help you launch quickly there are some excellent free stock photography resources on the web. (Just make sure you credit the creator or originator where appropriate):

*Some of the stock image sites have "collections", so if you're looking for images in a particular theme it's worth checking these out.

Colour schemes and palettes

It's worth reading about colour theory and how this can subtly impact your online audience. If you already have house colours, or a brand colour palette then there's a range of resources to help inspire you or create the colour combinations for you to use in your website.

Any of these websites allow you to create a palette based on one or more base colour:

Google Sites is limited to three colour Styles, or palettes, but despite this being something of a constraint you can still create effective styles and layouts using the resources above. 

Fonts and typography

Naturally, Google Sites has seamless integration with Google Web fonts, which is an excellent typography resource. Fonts can fundamentally change the look and feel of your website and can be used to reinforce the branding message and audience appeal. You can "test drive" Google Fonts by entering text (for example your main title or strapline) which is then displayed in their library of fonts.

Alternatively, if you're looking for inspiration or direction on fonts to use, try any of these websites:

Think about your audience when selecting fonts, and the image you want to convey.

Website structure and layout

The actual layout and body of your website will vary based on your need. For example a photographer will most likely need an image heavy grid layout to showcase their work, whereas a restaurant may required a layout that incorporates customer feedback, menus and images of their staff.

There's some useful references I use when constructing layouts, they may be useful to you too:

Alternatively check the WordPress themes gallery, the Awwwards website or even SiteInspire.

Editing tools

No doubt you'll want images of your products or services on your website so here's a few useful online (and free) tools that I use to edit and manipulate images:

Any other editing tools you'd add to this list? Email me or hit me up on Twitter.